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How to Elevate Your Communication Style & Be Your Best Even Under Stress

Where: Online Webinar hosted by the WSU Alumni Association

Effective communication is central to our success. It is the key to building trusted relationships and essential to our well-being. The truth is the vast majority of us have a big gap between how we communicate under stress and how we know we can communicate when we are at our best. Author and communication expert Maryanne O’Brien will give you the key to closing that gap.  In this deep-dive webinar, she will help you understand your communication style and develop a conscious practice that elevates your ability to communicate from your healthiest style of expression more often than not.

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In this session, you’ll learn the following:

  • The different communication styles–needs, strengths and weaknesses, and style expressions;
  • Communication style influences; and
  • How to build communication skills to bridge style gaps, elevate your style, and strengthen well-being.

How to Build a Second Brain & Take Advantage of What Modern Digital Tools Can Offer

Where: Online Webinar hosted by the WSU Alumni Association

Are you still jotting down your notes in a haphazard way, saving them in hidden and forgotten places you can never find? Take advantage of what modern digital tools can offer: the ability to create digital records that can be searched, tagged, annotated, and shared with others. In this enlightening webinar, bestselling author and expert on productivity Tiago Forte will teach specific strategies and a proven approach to enable learners and workers of all kinds to build a “Second Brain” – a personal collection of knowledge to allow for lifelong learning.

Drawing on his experience teaching productivity and knowledge management to thousands of people worldwide, Tiago will present a highly curated set of digital tools and the habits, mental models, and approaches needed to use them together with productivity. Participants will leave with a toolkit of new methods for turning information into valuable knowledge that can be captured, organized, and resurfaced when needed.

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In this webinar, participants will learn how personal knowledge management can give them:

  • Higher productivity from reusing and remixing their notes
  • Enhanced creative confidence from using a system for recording and retrieving learnings
  • Greater clarity and focus from offloading thinking onto reliable tools
  • Deeper insights into patterns of thinking and learning over time
  • Accelerated learning by tracking and adding value to notes over time
  • Relaxed control of projects from knowing that thoughts and ideas are being captured

Power Personal Growth By Understanding Your Enneagram Type

Where: Online Webinar hosted by the WSU Alumni Association

Have you ever wondered what the Enneagram was? Or have you ever thought about which of the nine types of Enneagram you are? The Enneagram is a powerful and insightful model for personal and professional growth. It has a solid foundation in modern psychology, with roots dating back more than 2,000 years into sage antiquity. This insightful webinar introduces the profound intricacies of the Enneagram’s nine types. Certified Enneagram instructor and author Dr. Patrick Bishop will focus on how personality manifests as egoic compulsions of heart, mind, and behavior.

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About the author: Dr. Patrick Bishop holds a Ph.D. in leadership and a masters in communication and is working on a master’s in counseling psychology. He is a tenured professor at Ferris State University and was selected as the 2021 distinguished teacher. He graduated from The Living School’s Center for Action and Contemplation and is a certified Enneagram instructor through the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Institute. Bishop is also an author, speaker, and leadership consultant-trainer.

Using the Marvel Cinematic Universe to Become a Better Leader

Where: Online Webinar hosted by the WSU Alumni Association

We can’t all be superheroes, but we can all be leaders, engage in leadership, and influence those around us. Many of us are trying to learn leadership skills in school, work, or personal life. In this exemplary webinar, you will develop and conquer individual leadership capabilities through pop culture.

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The authors of the book, Leaders Assemble: Leadership in the MCU use the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its superheroes to help executives, students, and workers develop their leadership skills. You will learn the following:

  • The basics of leadership theory through engaging examples
  • Developing one’s own leadership skills through pop culture examples
  • Leadership examples from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • Techniques such as book clubs, training assignments, and reflective activities for leadership development infused with pop culture elements

Age-Proof Your Brain: How to Boost Your Memory & Lower Your Risk for Dementia

Where: Online Webinar hosted by the WSU Alumni Association

Do you tirelessly work on crossword puzzles or sudoku to keep your brain fit? Do you have trouble remembering why you walked into a room? Your memory is amazing, fascinating, and mysterious. In many ways, your brain is also your most precious possession. In this thought-provoking webinar, Dr. Marc Milstein, a brain health specialist and author of The Age-Proof Brain: New Strategies to Improve Memory, Protect Immunity, and Fight Off Dementia, will present the latest solutions to preserving, protecting, and boosting your memory. 

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You will learn the following:

  • How to protect your precious brain from memory loss and age-related mental decline.
  • Science-based memory-boosting tips you can start using today.
  • What you can eat to help your memory and lower the risk of dementia.
  • The common, surprising, and often hidden health issues that significantly raise the risk of losing your memory.
  • The shocking new research on what accelerates dementia.
  • Three usable brain-based tips to remember everyday items like people’s names, where you parked your car, and what you wanted in the refrigerator.