2022 February Newsletter from the APAC Chair
Hello All! I have a few updates for you this month!
Join us on March 8th for a OneWSU Update for AP employees that will feature President Schulz and Provost Chilton. You can submit questions ahead of time here. We hope you can make this AP focused event!
We are accepting applications for our AP Contribution Award! The APAC Contribution Awards recognize administrative professionals who have made exceptional contributions to Washington State University and their respective areas or units. Nominations should highlight contributions made by employees that demonstrate the following areas including, but not limited to: productivity, innovative problem solving, positive working relationships, university and community service. We would love to see APs nominated from throughout the WSU system. You do not need to be a supervisor to nominate someone, you can nominate a colleague, a friend or even yourself! APAC will be awarding 6 awards on April 16th, each award comes with a certificate and a $1000 cash award. You can nominate and find more information on our website!
APAC elections will open on March 1st! We will be accepting applications for spots on the council from individuals throughout the WSU System! We want as much representation from all campuses, locations, extension and research centers as possible. If you want to make a difference at WSU and want the opportunity to interact with the President, Provost and Board of Regents, please consider applying. We will have an information session with myself and other current APAC council members in March. If you are interested but have questions, request for this info session to be added to your calendar for March 24th at 9:00am, we hope to see you there!
Considering the encouragement of decreasing meeting times, APAC will be piloting shorter monthly meetings with the goal of decreasing the monthly meeting time from an hour and a half to an hour. We will try out different strategies to still include engagement pieces and information sharing in tandem with monthly guest speakers. Keep an eye out each month for recorded messages and new ways of engaging with APAC! Many of us are already feeling the positive impact this pilot program is having on our calendars, we hope you are too!
The provost office and HRS recently informed APAC that there will be climate surveys going out over the next two years. The climate survey for faculty was released last week. The climate survey for staff will be released next year. APAC will let everyone know when that survey is coming.
In closing, I would like to give a warm thank you to Trymaine Gaither for presenting at APAC’s February meeting. Trymaine led a presentation titled Mindfulness 101. I personally appreciated having the opportunity to take a few minutes to be present and focus on such an important practice. If you missed the presentation, you can view a recording on our website!
-Anna McLeod, APAC Chair