The Administrative Professional Advisory Council will meet Thursday,  May 13, 2021, 9:00am via Zoom

Zoom Meeting info: Join URL: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/571015013?pwd=eFovR1ZsditaNUZFdzdWR3Z5MU1TUT09


  1. Call to Order
  2. Welcome and Introductions.
  3. Chair Report
    1. Acknowledgment and reference to System-wide AP Forums
  4. Agenda Items.
    1. Recognition of Outgoing Council Members
    2. Recognition of 2021 -2024 Renewed Council Membership
    3. Introduction of New Council Members
    4. Introduction of New Alternate Member
    5. Recognition of all Renewed Alternate and Returning Council Members
    6. AP Contribution Award Winners
  5. Approval of Minutes of the April 8, 2021 Meeting
  6. Guest Speakers – Merrianneeta Nesbit & Matthew Jeffries share an overview of the Community & Equity Certificate for WSU Faculty & Staff
  7. Committee/Campus reports – Written Reports *Link will be updated once all reports are submitted.
  8. Adjournment