November 9, 2023
The Administrative Professional Advisory Council will meet in the virtually through Zoom on Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 9:00am.
As an alternative, you may participate in the APAC Meeting via the YouTube Live Stream once the the APAC Zoom link reaches participant capacity.
- 9:00am – Welcome & Introduction
- Attendance: Tony Burt, Karla Ealy, Marroquin, Brady Aldrich, Sue Gilchrist, Jenny Glass, Mike Gotch, Gretchen Hormel, Stephanie Leeper, Justin Peterson, Danielle Desormier, Lisa Hunter, Christie Kittle, Lynne Szymanski, Daniel Saud, Amy Robbins, Alena Hume, Dan McCarty, Tyler McPherson, Deena Richter. Twenty (20) Council and Alternate members present, seven (7) members absent, and eighty-six (86) non-voting members present.
- Attendance: Tony Burt, Karla Ealy, Marroquin, Brady Aldrich, Sue Gilchrist, Jenny Glass, Mike Gotch, Gretchen Hormel, Stephanie Leeper, Justin Peterson, Danielle Desormier, Lisa Hunter, Christie Kittle, Lynne Szymanski, Daniel Saud, Amy Robbins, Alena Hume, Dan McCarty, Tyler McPherson, Deena Richter. Twenty (20) Council and Alternate members present, seven (7) members absent, and eighty-six (86) non-voting members present.
- APAC Report – APAC Vice Chair, Tony Burt
- The APAC Executive Officers met with the WSU Chancellor’s Council on Thursday, October 26th.
- The APAC Chair, is presenting to the Board of Regents on Friday, November 17th.
- Committee Updates
- Constituent Concerns
- 9:15am –AP Enhanced Compensation Plan Refresh Presentation with Melissa DiNoto and Jennifer Klein
- Meeting Adjourned: