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Community & Equity 102: Who are You? Fostering Critical Self Awareness to Engage Across Difference

Overview Equity 102, the second session in the new Equity Workshop Series, encourages participants to foster critical self-awareness as they explore their own identities, including their unique characteristics and social locations. Throughout the workshop, participants will discuss how their identities shape their beliefs, values, expectations, perceptions, and actions and develop skills for engaging across difference […]

Community & Equity 101: Defining and Cultivating Inclusive Excellence at WSU

Overview In this interactive workshop, the presenters will articulate WSU values related to equity and inclusive excellence as participants both in person and via AMS engage in exploring key terms related to equity and inclusion, examine notions of intent versus impact, and build knowledge around affirming language. This workshop is intended as a pilot to […]

DEI Hiring Practices

Overview DEI Hiring Practices introduces departments and colleges both to new ways to approach the hiring process that increases equity-minded outcomes and to tools for prioritizing cultural competence, knowledge, and skills in the candidates they attract. The training is guided by the premise that cultural competence and equity-mindedness need to be prioritized as requirements in […]

Equity-Minded Mentoring Practices

Overview Equity-Minded Mentoring encourages people to reconsider traditional mentoring models and practices as a way to develop more effective and inclusive tools and approaches for mentoring. Informed by network-based mentoring models, the training offers concrete strategies and tools to begin to build or rebuild mentoring relationships that respect different cultural lenses and have more productive […]

Intentional Inclusion: Minimizing Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions

Overview Intentional Inclusion: Minimizing Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions focuses on ways to productively confront our own participation in the structures shaped by bias and microaggressions. The training presents various approaches for thinking about accountability, allyship, and how to move toward more meaningful and equity-based inclusion in all of our professional and social communities.

DEI Hiring Practices

Overview DEI Hiring Practices introduces departments and colleges both to new ways to approach the hiring process that increases equity-minded outcomes and to tools for prioritizing cultural competence, knowledge, and skills in the candidates they attract. The training is guided by the premise that cultural competence and equity-mindedness need to be prioritized as requirements in […]