August 15, 2016
From the Chair
The Administrative Professional Advisory Council (APAC) is gearing up for another great year! It is not without your endless commitment that we continue making APAC a site for engagement, professional development and advocacy on behalf all those that make Washington State University a great place to work. We are so lucky and thankful to be closely connected with WSU administration. Throughout the years, APAC has developed a close connection with the President, Provost and other upper level administration. They not only value but expect our feedback on how we can continue working together to improve Washington State University.
It is with that in mind that we want to be sure that we are as accessible as possible to all Administrative Professionals (AP) and we do realize that attending general meetings is not always possible. However, we want to encourage you to connect with us if you have a concern or feedback, events you would like us to consider or ways to better engage with you. No item is too little! As we continue improving our impact and presence on campus, your participation is key in making it happen. Visit our website at to learn more about APAC and our meeting times.
Feel free to email me at with any feedback. As a representative body, we truly seek to represent your views to the best of our abilities. Please engage with us!
Ray Acuña-Luna
New APAC officers
Welcome new officers elected for the 2016-2017 year. Please greet them and feel free to reach out to them with any questions.
Ray Acuña-Luna, Chair
Adam Williams, Secretary/Treasurer
Brigitta Jozefowski, Vice Chair
Northwest Coalition of Professional Staff Conference
WSU Pullman hosted the 2nd annual Northwest Coalition of Professional Staff (NCPS) Conference July 21-22nd and had an amazing turnout. 93 attendees from 12 universities representing Idaho, Oregon and Washington gathered to network and increase their professional development in topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Customer Service Attitude & Leadership, Advocacy as Empowerment and much more.
Opening the conference was Provost Bernardo; Glenn Johnson, Mayor of Pullman; and opening keynote speaker, State Representative Kevin Parker. Attendees were able to choose from 5 breakout sessions during the two days, attend the Thursday night banquet at Banyans with Cyndy Stevenson presenting and closed Friday with Cyndy’s final presentation titled “How to Lead Ourselves and Others through Change”.
Early reviews noted the high level of topics for the breakout sessions and the ability to network on several different occasions with other universities and their university colleagues.
If you were not able to attend this year’s conference stay tuned for more information for NCPS 2017 which will be held near Western Washington University in Bellingham.
For those that went this year, please share your experience with other AP staff here at WSU and other universities. We look forward to the program next year and hope you can all attend!
Fall Term Begins – Week of Welcome
Week of Welcome 2016 beings with the official University move-in on Wednesday, August 17th. Check with your campus to see what events are in store for the Week of Welcome. This can be from volunteering to help students during move-in day or waving a Cougar flag or simply being a friendly smile to a lost student.
August 22nd marks the beginning of Fall Term. Our roles are important not only to the campus and departments but also to our students. Some are returning for their second year or more while others are entering college for their first time. Let’s greet them with Cougar Pride and show them that they are important to the whole of WSU.
Changes Ahead to APAC Website
We here at APAC strive to assist our fellow APs with notifying you about events that we feel are important or alerting you to professional development classes or scholarships. We have noticed that our website needs a little updating and so we will begin doing just that. Our website will be under construction so you will see changes in the next couple of month that we hope will benefit you. Stay tuned for more information.
AP Survey
Every fall we send out a survey to all of our APs. Look for this in September and please take the time to respond. The information collected influences APAC’s programming and it is a helpful tool in allowing us to see what is important to you.
Upcoming APAC program
Our first APAC regular meeting of the fall is September 8, 2016, 1:30-3 p.m.
Beginning in October, regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. All AP Staff members are invited to attend. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. All meetings will be held in Lightly 405.