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April 19, 2017

From the Chair


¡El futuro es brillante! A few weeks ago, APAC elected new council members and its executive leadership. As outgoing chair, there is nothing more exciting than handing off the reigns to an amazing group of individuals, passionate to transform our organization. It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you APAC’s 2017-2018 Executive Leadership:

  • Brigitta Jozefowski, Grants Coordinator for the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
  • Lauralea Edwards, Management Analyst for the Controller’s Office
  • Maria de Jesus Dixon, Manager of the Cultural and Heritage Houses and the Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center

As for me, I will continue serving the Council as Past-Chair and continue working behind the scenes on some issues I learned to be important because of engaging with you. For my last note as chair, I want to encourage you to get involved in the University. We often talk about opportunities for professional development and often overlook serving on committees or affinity groups. I joined APAC almost four years ago and truly, it has been a transformative process. APAC might not necessarily be what you are looking for professionally speaking but there are still hundreds of opportunities for you on campus and in the community.

It has been my please to serve this year as APAC Chair. Honestly, I have been personally moved and inspired by the level of professionalism, work ethic and passion for Washington State University everyone on the Council exudes. It has truly been an honor. Please continue to engage with us!

Vamos Cougs,
Ray Acuña-Luna, Chair

Welcome to our new APAC members!

Welcome to our new Council Members and Executive Leadership! Welcome to C. Brandon Chapman (aka Chappy) from the College of Education, Stephanie Rink from the College of Business, Toni Broyles from College of Arts and Sciences, Mary Ohnemus from Health Professions Student Center, and Casey St. Clair from Finance and Administration. This coming year, APAC will be led by Brigitta Jozefowski as APAC Chair, Lauralea Edwards as Vice Chair, and Maria de Jesus Dixon as Secretary/Treasurer.

Register for the professional staff summer conference

Register for the Northwest Coalition of Professional Staff Annual Conference. This year the conference will be held at the Semiahmoo Resort in Blaine, WA. Join your fellow Administrative Professionals from across the Northwest for professional development on attaining your goals. More information can be found at

Professional Development Mini-Grants

Professional development is highly valued by Washington State University and is supported by the President and Provost’s offices. Each year a maximum of $3,000 in professional development grants is awarded by APAC to WSU Administrative Professionals, up to $250 per grant. Applications are being accepted until April 30th. Please visit for more information.

Monthly APAC Meeting

All AP employees can attend the monthly meetings either in person in Lighty 405 or by video conference at other campus locations. Our next meeting is May 11, and the presentation is on Quartzi Software, by Monika Jones.

Regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. Meetings are held in Lighty 405.

March 28, 2017

Happy 127th birthday to WSU!

From the Chair

Estimados Coleagas,

Where has the time gone? It does not look like that long ago when I was stepping into this role. Just when I was getting the hang of being chair, in less than a month we will be selecting new APAC leadership. The beauty of working on a team like APAC is that the organization will be we have opportunity to infuse itself with new ideas and a vibrant new council membership. Anyway, enough of getting nostalgic. More musings about my experiences being chair for later. Today, I just want to remind you of some key involvement opportunities you cannot let pass away:

  • We are still taking applications for new APAC council members. If you are considering becoming involved, this is an excellent way to do it. I applied 6 years ago and never in my life imagined I would become chair. A little leap of faith brought where I am today. Don’t let this opportunity pass!
  • The AP Contribution Award is a great way to recognize the job of your fellow APs. Day in and day out, APs throughout the system give it their best to push the organization to new heights. New this year, we are offering a $1,000 cash price thanks to President Schulz. Don’t let this opportunity to make someone’s work pass unnoticed!
  • As result of the APAC forums we conducted this year throughout WSU, we will be hosting a professional development opportunity open to all WSU employees. On Wednesday, April 19th, Kevin Parker, former House Representative from Spokane, will present on “Leading Effective Teams.” The seminar will be at the CUB Junior Ballroom from 8:30am-10:30am.

This is all I have for today’s message. I promise I will write a much more entertaining next time! Keep up the good work!

Vamos Cougs,
Ray Acuña-Luna, Chair

Monthly APAC Meetings

Thank you to all who attended the March APAC meeting. The featured speaker for the meeting was Lynn Valenter, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations at WSU Vancouver. Lynn presented on how to run effective meetings and gave everyone great insight on the dos and don’ts when having a meeting.

The AP council encourages other AP employees to attend the monthly meetings either in person in Lighty 405 or by video conference at other campus locations. Our next meeting is April 13, and the presentation is “Digital Measures Update” by Craig Parks, Vice Provost.

Regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. All meetings will be held in Lighty 405.

Administrative Professional Contribution Award

Nominations are open for the 2017 Administrative Professional Contribution Award until April 7. Each year, APAC recognizes an Administrative Professional employee’s exceptional contribution to WSU and their area or unit with this award. New this year, a $1,000 award will be presented to each winner, sponsored by President Schulz.

To nominate an outstanding AP, visit

Professional Development Mini-Grants

Professional development is highly valued by Washington State University and is supported by the President and Provost’s offices. Each year a maximum of $3,000 in professional development grants is awarded by APAC to WSU Administrative Professionals, up to $250 per grant. Applications are being accepted now until April 30th. Please visit for more information.

Meet and Greet with WSU’s Newest Vice Presidents

President Kirk Schulz invites the WSU community to meet our newest vice presidents:

Mary Jo Gonzales, Vice President, Student Affairs
Stacy Pearson, Vice President, Finance and Administration
Phil Weiler, Vice President, Marketing and Communications

Monday, April 10, 2017 from 5:30-7:00pm in the CUB Junior Ballroom, Room 212.

Beverages and light refreshments will be served.

Professional Development Seminar

APAC is pleased to sponsor Kevin Parker, former Washington State Representative and adjunct faculty with Whitworth and Gonzaga University MBA Programs to speak to all WSU faculty and staff on “Leading Effective Teams.”

Wednesday, April 19, 2017 from 8:30 – 10:30am in the CUB Junior ballroom.

To register for this free seminar please RSVP to APAC by April 12th.

AMS Sites Scheduled: Everett, Puyallup, Spokane, Tri-Cities and Vancouver.

For WSU staff outside of Pullman, APAC will provide a partial travel award for staff who would like to participate in person. Travel awards will be given to the first 20 people who apply and capped at $100 per person. You must send your RSVP and indicate your desire for the travel award by April 7th.

February 27, 2017

From the Chair

Saludos, Collegas!

A lot has happened in APAC since we began the academic year and I can honestly say that all is thanks to the arduous work of people in the council. As the chair, there is no greater satisfaction when you see people engaged and passionate about advancing the cause of the organization. The reality of growing in a migrant family meant that I was raised by my mother and was never around my siblings. As I have led APAC in past few months, my mother’s teachings have influenced the outlook I bring to the organization and I wanted to share them with you:

  1. Pour your heart in all that you do: there is no joy in doing something mediocre. Aspire to be extraordinary.
  2. Selfishness leads to nothing: focus on the common goal not your personal gains.
  3. People come in and out of your life. In all your interactions, treat them as if it’s the last time you will see them and appreciate ever single contribution they bring to your life, personally and professionally.
  4. You’ll know you have touched someone’s life when they no longer need you.
  5. Lead a life that you can honestly be proud of.

I am far from perfect. I am a work in progress but my mother’s teachings illuminate the way. While many shy away to be like their parents for their own very reasons, as I develop personally and professionally I hope to be a fraction of the type of human being she is. The eldest of 15 and a mother of 7, my mother has led an extraordinary life in spite of the circumstances. The first in the family to graduate college, attain a master’s degree and now leading an amazing organization like APAC, I owe it all to her. As we continue pushing towards the end of the academic year, I want to encourage you to be extraordinary in all that you do. Reflect on the teachings people in your life have given you and like my mother, lead a life that you can honestly be proud of.

In the last few months, APAC has strengthen our relationship with upper level administration, has engaged with APs in the system in ways never done before and has made our presence and influence known across WSU. As you think of the legacy you want to leave behind, I want you to consider getting involved with APAC. Our new council member elections are around the corner and we need extraordinary members like you to reinvigorate the organization with new ideas and a renewed passion. Please visit the APAC website and fill out the application by March 30.

Vamos Cougs,

Ray Acuña-Luna, Chair

P.S. Follow us on Twitter at @WSU_APAC

Monthly APAC Meetings

Thank you to all who attended the February APAC meeting. The featured speaker for the meeting was Assistant Vice Provost Craig Parks. Craig outlined the transition of the WORKS software system currently used in the annual review process at Washington State University to a new software system named “Activity Insight,” a product of Digital Measures. The new software is scheduled to be available for full use in all units by January 2018. A prototype will be ready by end of spring semester. WORKS will be in a “read-only” status after June 1, 2017.

The AP council encourages other AP employees to attend the monthly meetings either in person in Lighty 405 or by video conference at other campus locations. Our next meeting is March 9, and the presention is “Effective Meetings” by Lynn Valenter, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations at WSU Vancouver.

Regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. All meetings will be held in Lighty 405.

Pullman 2040

The WSU community has been asked to participate in a short survey about the future direction of the city of Pullman.

The results of this survey will help the city and the Pullman Chamber of Commerce develop a vision for the Pullman community and then to accomplish that vision. Additional information about this initiative can be found on the survey or by visiting

Apply for APAC!

We’re looking for some great Administrative Professionals to join APAC. New member applications are accepted through March 30. Please visit the APAC website and fill out the application.

Spring Managers Conference

You are invited to join your colleagues and personnel administrators March 22, 2017, for a half day training from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. The focus of the conference will be Risk Management in the 21st Century, with a special focus on your department’s role in Network Security, Confidential Data and Public Records. Information will be presented by the Office of the Attorney General, Information Security Services and the Office of Internal Audit.

We know you’re busy – so the half day training will be packed with information in a short period of time. Refreshments will be provided.

Please share this invitation with your other personnel managers.

For additional information and to register for the half day conference please visit:

TIAA: Financial Wisdom for All Presentation

Human Resource Services will host TIAA for a financial presentation on March 9th. TIAA will share from their 100 years of experience their knowledge on how to save, invest and plan for what life brings in an interactive, fun and informative workshop.

This workshop, “Postcards from the Future: A Woman’s Guide to Financially Ever After” addresses the unique situations women may find themselves in, such as fewer years in the workforce, and longer life spans. TIAA’s workshop leader will share retirement strategies that will help you:

  • Identify your “retirement vision” – how much you’ll need and when
  • Define the simple steps to getting your finances on track towards your ideal retirement
  • Learn the unique characteristics of retirement plans from 403(b) to IRAs to annuities – and which may work best for you

Although the emphasis will be on a woman’s perspective for financial and retirement savings, all faculty and staff can attend, and will find information that is applicable to all. Also, feel free to invite a colleague, spouse, or partner to attend.

Two identical workshops will be offered on Thursday, March 9th, for 9:00-11:00 a.m., and 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the CUB East Jr Ballroom. Refreshments will be served.

Registration is required; to reserve a seat at one of the workshops, call 800-732-8353, M-F, from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. (PT), or register online.


In addition to the above presentations, a representative from the Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) will also hold presentations on March 3rd. The DCP is a voluntary investment plan offered at WSU, which allows individuals to save more for retirement, while also lowering current taxable income.

As a 457b plan, all faculty and employees are able to participate by contributing as little at $15 a pay period up to $18K-$24K a year, in addition to their regular matched retirement plan savings. The DCP is another voluntary plan, similar to the TIAA Voluntary Investment Plan (VIP), which can be started, changed or stopped at any time.

The March 3rd presentations will be held from 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. in Lighty 405 and 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. in French Ad 139. Registration is not required, but seating will be on a first come, first seated basis. Videoconferencing for other locations is also available.

We hope you are able to join us for the TIAA or DCP presentation, or both!

January 17, 2017

From the Chair

Ray Acuna-Luna, Chair of APAC
Welcome back! On behalf of the Administrative Professional Council, I want to wish you all a Feliz Año Nuevo! I hope that you had an amazing time in company of your loved ones and that you got some much needed rest. Personally, I had the opportunity to travel to Texas to visit my family. Contrary to popular belief and although no snow, it was still pretty cold.

I want to provide a quick update on our APAC Forums. As you might recall, for the first time ever, APAC hosted town-hall meetings at all WSU campuses. While we still have one more left, we have observed some trends across all campuses that I would like to share:

  1. The need for more professional development
  2. The need for mentoring for Administrative Professionals
  3. Improving WSU communication efforts in consistency and delivery
  4. AP retention in correlation to benefits

In the next few weeks, APAC will examine each of the concerns presented at the forums and look into their feasibility and how best we can address them. Please be sure to contact any of your council representatives or send your input online if you have any other suggestions.

Vamos Cougs,

Ray Acuña-Luna

Changes to Employee Assistance Program

Effective now EAP services for all WSU locations is provided by the Washington State Department of Personnel Employee Assistance Program. The EAP helps employees and their family members resolve personal or work-related problems.

Toll Free: 1-877-313-4455
TDD/TYY users, please call via WA Relay at 711

More information at the HRS Employee Assistance Program.

APAC Professional Development mini-grants

The Administrative Professionals Advisory Council awarded six professional development mini-grants in the fall grant cycle. These awards totaled $828 and were used to assist WSU APs in their pursuit of further education. APAC awards mini-grants twice annually, and the next deadline is April 30.

The most recent recipients of the APAC mini-grants were:

Victoria Braun – $250 to attend the Internation Symposium for Contemplative Studies
Sisouvanh Keopanapay – $108 to attend the Fall Public Safety Career Fair
Linda McLean – $125 to attend the recent Federally Recognized Tribes Extension/Intertribal Ag Council
Mary Lou Shean – $65 to attend the recent Simulation User Network Conference
Brooke Whiting – $140 to attend the upcoming NACADA Conference
Josh Whiting – $140 to attend the upcoming NACADA Conference

Please check out eligibility and the application at the APAC website.

The next cycle of grants will be awarded after our April 30 deadline.

We want to hear from you!

APAC executives meet with President Schulz and Provost Bernardo on a regular basis. If you have concerns, ideas, or questions you’d like us to bring to their attention, please contact us.

We also want to hear your ideas for professional development and how to make WSU an even better place to work.

Contact APAC

Thank you to Kirk and Noel Schulz!

Kirk and Noel Schulz, WSU’s president and first lady, graciously invited APAC members to a reception at their home in early December. Thank you to the Schulzes for their hospitality!

Kirk and Noel Schulz with APAC at December reception
APAC members with Kirk and Noel Schulz at the December reception

Chinook Student Center Memberships Now on Sale

WSU is pleased to announce the opening of the first level of the Chinook Student Center on January 17! AP staff can purchase a Chinook annual membership and get access to new recreational facility, right in the heart of campus. Amenities at the Chinook include a Freshens Fresh Food Studio, a sauna, cardio and weight rooms, meeting spaces, a meditation room and more.

Chinook Student Center
Rendering of the Chinook Student Center

As construction nears completion, members can utilize the various parts of the Chinook as they become available throughout January and February. Chinook members can also utilize the Student Recreation Center until March 1, 2017. Current SRC members can contact the membership services team to bundle their current membership with a new Chinook membership at a discounted and prorated price. For more information about the Chinook, visit

Save the dates: Demonstrations of business software systems

In response to the request for information for a unified, software-as-service finance and human resource management system, the following vendors have been identified and will conduct on-site demonstration. Please join us for these informational demonstrations.

January 23-24, 2017
Introduction begins at 9:00 on the 23rd
First session begins at 8:00 on the 24th
Pullman: CUB Auditorium
Video conferencing will be provided to other WSU locations. Those rooms will be assigned shortly.

January 30-31, 2017
Pullman: CUB Auditorium
Video conferencing will be provided to other WSU locations. Those rooms will be assigned shortly.
Agenda for January 30 and 31 – TBD

Summary and Questions go until 5:00 on both days

Learn more on the WSU Modernization website.

Annual Reviews

With the beginning of the new year, it’s time to think about annual reviews, an essential part of career development for supervisors and all APs. AP personnel are evaluated annually on a calendar year (January 1 – December 31) or academic year basis, as determined by the senior executive for the area and in accordance with guidance found in the Administrative Professional Handbook (PDF).


SmartHealth is Washington State’s voluntary and confidential wellness program. It is an interactive website that helps you take steps to improve your health and well-being, while having fun and connecting with others online. By participating in activities you can earn points, and points earned between January 1, 2017 and September 30, 2017 are used to establish eligibility for the wellness incentive in 2017.

Earn 2,000 points to be eligible for the incentive by completing a Well-being Assessment and then participating in and tracking wellness activities. Depending on your WSU/PEBB medical plan, you will receive a $125 reduction in the subscriber’s 2018 PEBB medical deductible (if enrolled in a PEBB classic and value health plan); or a one-time deposit of $125 into the subscriber’s health savings account (if enrolled in a PEBB consumer-directed health plan).

Learn more:
HRS SmartHealth Wellness Incentive

Upcoming APAC program

Our next APAC meeting is February 9, 2017, 9:00–10:30 a.m. The presentation will be “Purpose Driven Work” by Josh McPhatter.

Regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. All AP Staff members are invited to attend. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. All meetings will be held in Lighty 405.

November 16, 2016

Chair’s Note


At the age of sixteen and forced by my parents, I arrived in the United States one hot summer day in the month of August. Coming from a rural area in Central Mexico, I was shocked and overwhelmed by the immensity of the sprawling city. I was immediately confronted with the idea that the days I could get lost in the woods and play in the crystal-clear streams emanating from the moss-covered earth were long gone. Perhaps more devastating was the dooming thought that I could no longer communicate in my native language; and the hopelessness of being in a sea of difference and unfamiliarity. Like the trees I grew up with, I was uprooted and replanted in a land that at the time seemed so infertile.

My first glimpse into American customs came at a time when I missed home the most. Strange, yet so familiar, Thanksgiving gave me a sense of belonging and for the first time, an opportunity to participate in the process of acculturation. From that moment on, my identity began to shift and new roots began to sprout.

I hope that you always, but particularly this Thanksgiving, feel included and appreciated for who you are and what you bring into the mosaic forming the American landscape just like I was included from the moment I arrived in this land of opportunity years ago. At the same time, please extend the love and support you receive to others, particularly those who, for whatever reason, have been uprooted from their land and forced to sprout somewhere else. This Thanksgiving I am thankful for the opportunity to spring new roots in a land that once seemed so unfamiliar and for the opportunities that WSU has afforded me. Moreover, I am thankful to be part of a community who continuously works in making others feel like they matter. This Thanksgiving season, what are you thankful for?

Ray Acuña-Luna

APAC Forums

APAC chair, Ray Acuña-Luna has spent the past few weeks visiting WSU Campuses across the state to hold forums with Administrative Professional employees. The objective of these forums is to provide the opportunity for APs to share what is working and not working for them on their campus and for APs to learn more about APAC and how to get involved. The next AP forum will be held in Pullman on November 29th from 8:30-10 a.m. in Lighty 405. Check out the full schedule on the APAC website.

All AP employees are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to become more informed about the activity of APAC and to voice any thoughts, suggestions, and concerns that will lead to an improved workplace and make Washington State University the best it can be.

APAC Survey

Thank you to all AP’s who took the time to participate in the AP survey the past few weeks. Just under 300 AP employees responded to the survey. The results will be complied and analyzed in the coming weeks. This data will be useful in setting goals and improving the workplace.

WSU Annual Food Drive

Each year WSU participates in a food drive to lend support to those who may find themselves without food during the holiday season. Where possible AP employees are encouraged to support the food drive. Provost Dan Bernardo will be matching any donations that are received by faculty and staff. Donations can be made at multiple locations across campus and can also be brought to the forum on November 29th or to the next AP monthly meeting on December 8th. Let’s make a difference this year!

Final Week of the Apple Cup Fitness challenge

Let’s all be winners on and off the field!

The newest SmartHealth activity, is a fun competition between WSU and UW benefit eligible faculty and staff. It is designed to improve your health, wellbeing, and team spirit by setting up a fitness competition between the faculty & staff of Washington State University and University of Washington who are Public Employee Benefits Board (PEBB) benefit eligible.

What is SmartHealth? SmartHealth is the State of Washington’s voluntary and confidential wellness program. It is an interactive website that helps you take steps to improve your health and well-being, while having fun and connecting with others online. You may be familiar with SmartHealth as the venue through which PEBB-eligible employees are able to earn the Wellness Incentive, the $125 benefit that comes in the form of a reduced medical deductible (for Classic and Value plan participants) or an increased HSA contribution (for CHDP participants).

If you are a PEBB eligible employee you are able to login with SmartHealth and start participating in the new Apple Cup Fitness Challenge!

  • The challenge starts Monday, October 17, and runs through Friday, November 18.
  • Each week, you use the SmartHealth Activity to log and track the number of minutes you are active – any activity counts: walking, running, biking, swimming, yard work, whatever gets your heart rate up!
  • Earn 75 points every week you track at least 30 minutes

Prizes! You can even win prizes by participating in the Challenge. WSU will be awarding two tickets to the SOLD OUT Apple Cup game, UREC passes, and Cougar gear!

For more information check out the Apple Cup Fitness Challenge webpage or contact HRS at or (509) 335-4521.

Upcoming APAC program

Our next APAC meeting is December 8th, 2016, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. The presenter are Adam Malcolm from the Attorney General’s office and Stephanie Kalasz.

Regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. All AP Staff members are invited to attend. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. All meetings will be held in Lighty 405.

October 25, 2016

Chair’s Note


Ray Acuna Luna - APAC 2016
Ray Acuña-Luna

I moved to the state of Washington a little over 6 years ago and when I first landed in Pullman, wondered whether I had made the right decision. Coming from Austin, Texas into a town like Pullman really made me question my sanity. “I will only stay for two years” – I assured myself. I realize now that moving to Pullman and becoming part of Washington State University as an Administrative Professional is the single best decision I have ever made. We are agents of change and our passion for what we do is demonstrated with every single action we take. In fact, I recently met a student at a campus event who told me that had it not been for an AP, she would have already packed her bags and gone home when she faced the loss of a family member. She went on to explain that this particular person went above and beyond by connecting her with resources and helping her navigate the emotional trauma she was confronted with. It is examples like this that keep reminding me that despite my initial hesitations when I first arrived in Pullman, I am part of larger picture and that our work matters.

Administrative Professionals at Washington State University constantly transform the student experience on the daily but often they go unrecognized. Although there are various ways by which we could recognize AP’s undying commitment, I want to encourage you to submit nominations through the Human Resources Services’ Crimson Spirit Award. We do it expecting nothing in return but a simple thank you can go a long way!

It has been my privilege to salute you once again! APAC is incredibly proud to be able to represent you!

Vamos Cougs,
Ray Acuña-Luna, Chair

AP Survey

APAC wants to hear from you. APAC provides institutional level advocacy in support of all administrative professional personnel at WSU and provides opportunities for professional development and recognition for AP employees. Please complete our brief survey about APAC and the best way to communicate emerging issues and professional development opportunities to you. We also want to know how you want to tell us about concerns to take to the administration, ideas, and thoughts. The survey will close on November 1. Take the survey.

APs Win Annual WSU Award for Student Advising

Three administrative professional academic advisors: Matthew Jeffries, Doug Juneau and Kasey Schertenleib, have received “Outstanding Achievement in Academic Advising” awards from the local WSU Academic Advising Association (ACADA). Jeffries won the “new advisor” category; Juneau in “primary advising”; and Schertenleib in “administrator”. Read more about them and the awards here.

Nominate Faculty and Staff for Crimson Spirit Award

Crimson Spirit Award

If you have experienced exceptional customer service by a WSU faculty or staff, show them appreciation by nominating them for a Crimson Spirit Award. The monthly Crimson Spirit Award recognizes Washington State University faculty and staff who have provided exemplary service while representing WSU. Details on the award and how to nominate are found here.

Apple Cup Fitness Challenge

The newest SmartHealth activity, is a fun competition between WSU and UW benefit eligible faculty and staff. It is designed to improve your health, wellbeing, and team spirit by setting up a fitness competition between the faculty & staff of Washington State University and University of Washington who are Public Employee Benefits Board (PEBB) benefit eligible.

What is SmartHealth? SmartHealth is the State of Washington’s voluntary and confidential wellness program. It is an interactive website that helps you take steps to improve your health and well-being, while having fun and connecting with others online. You may be familiar with SmartHealth as the venue through which PEBB-eligible employees are able to earn the Wellness Incentive, the $125 benefit that comes in the form of a reduced medical deductible (for Classic and Value plan participants) or an increased HSA contribution (for CHDP participants).

If you are a PEBB eligible employee you are able to login with SmartHealth and start participating in the new Apple Cup Fitness Challenge!

  • The challenge starts Monday, October 17, and runs through Friday, November 18.
  • Each week, you use the SmartHealth Activity to log and track the number of minutes you are active – any activity counts: walking, running, biking, swimming, yard work, whatever gets your heart rate up!
  • Earn 75 points every week you track at least 30 minutes

Prizes! You can even win prizes by participating in the Challenge. WSU will be awarding two tickets to the SOLD OUT Apple Cup game, UREC passes, and Cougar gear!

For more information check out the Apple Cup Fitness Challenge webpage or contact HRS at or (509) 335-4521.

Chef Earns Industry’s Highest Certification

Jason Butcherite has received executive chef certification from the American Culinary Federation. Chef Butcherite went through a rigorous certification process that required a written exam and a comprehensive cooking evaluation, which included making a traditional three-course meal. Read more about Chef Jason and the certification here.

WSU Chef Jason Butcherite
WSU Chef Jason Butcherite

Cougar Employee Wellness Program

Cougar Employee Wellness Program (CEWP) was created to support ALL non-student staff and faculty in being active, being fit, and being well. We have certified kinesiology personnel to provide exercise testing and planning. In addition, we provide licensed athletic training services to assist you in sustaining your program. Our role is to provide you with data on your capacity, provide you with an exercise plan, and provide care and treatment for exercise related aches and injuries. Annual membership ($75) includes unlimited athletic training services and six exercise testing/ exercise prescription sessions. Testing sessions may include: body fat composition, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and range of motion, and performance. For more information visit the CEWP website. To schedule your appointment today please e-mail or call 509-335-9658.

Monthly APAC Meeting with President Schulz

Do you have issues impacting APs that you would like addressed with President Schulz? Please tell us what your comments and concerns. Please note that if you are raising a concern, President Schulz has expressed interest in hearing how you recommend the concern be resolved.

Apply for a Mini-Grant (Deadline: 31 October 2016)

APAC is holding its second grant application cycle. You can apply for up to $250. Get your application and find more information.

Upcoming APAC program

Our next APAC meeting is November 10, 2016, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. The presenter is Monika Jones on Quartzi Software.

Regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. All AP Staff members are invited to attend. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. All meetings will be held in Lighty 405.