From the Chair
Saludos, Collegas!
A lot has happened in APAC since we began the academic year and I can honestly say that all is thanks to the arduous work of people in the council. As the chair, there is no greater satisfaction when you see people engaged and passionate about advancing the cause of the organization. The reality of growing in a migrant family meant that I was raised by my mother and was never around my siblings. As I have led APAC in past few months, my mother’s teachings have influenced the outlook I bring to the organization and I wanted to share them with you:
- Pour your heart in all that you do: there is no joy in doing something mediocre. Aspire to be extraordinary.
- Selfishness leads to nothing: focus on the common goal not your personal gains.
- People come in and out of your life. In all your interactions, treat them as if it’s the last time you will see them and appreciate ever single contribution they bring to your life, personally and professionally.
- You’ll know you have touched someone’s life when they no longer need you.
- Lead a life that you can honestly be proud of.
I am far from perfect. I am a work in progress but my mother’s teachings illuminate the way. While many shy away to be like their parents for their own very reasons, as I develop personally and professionally I hope to be a fraction of the type of human being she is. The eldest of 15 and a mother of 7, my mother has led an extraordinary life in spite of the circumstances. The first in the family to graduate college, attain a master’s degree and now leading an amazing organization like APAC, I owe it all to her. As we continue pushing towards the end of the academic year, I want to encourage you to be extraordinary in all that you do. Reflect on the teachings people in your life have given you and like my mother, lead a life that you can honestly be proud of.
In the last few months, APAC has strengthen our relationship with upper level administration, has engaged with APs in the system in ways never done before and has made our presence and influence known across WSU. As you think of the legacy you want to leave behind, I want you to consider getting involved with APAC. Our new council member elections are around the corner and we need extraordinary members like you to reinvigorate the organization with new ideas and a renewed passion. Please visit the APAC website and fill out the application by March 30.
Vamos Cougs,
Ray Acuña-Luna, Chair
P.S. Follow us on Twitter at @WSU_APAC
Monthly APAC Meetings
Thank you to all who attended the February APAC meeting. The featured speaker for the meeting was Assistant Vice Provost Craig Parks. Craig outlined the transition of the WORKS software system currently used in the annual review process at Washington State University to a new software system named “Activity Insight,” a product of Digital Measures. The new software is scheduled to be available for full use in all units by January 2018. A prototype will be ready by end of spring semester. WORKS will be in a “read-only” status after June 1, 2017.
The AP council encourages other AP employees to attend the monthly meetings either in person in Lighty 405 or by video conference at other campus locations. Our next meeting is March 9, and the presention is “Effective Meetings” by Lynn Valenter, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations at WSU Vancouver.
Regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. All meetings will be held in Lighty 405.
Pullman 2040
The WSU community has been asked to participate in a short survey about the future direction of the city of Pullman.
The results of this survey will help the city and the Pullman Chamber of Commerce develop a vision for the Pullman community and then to accomplish that vision. Additional information about this initiative can be found on the survey or by visiting
Apply for APAC!
We’re looking for some great Administrative Professionals to join APAC. New member applications are accepted through March 30. Please visit the APAC website and fill out the application.
Spring Managers Conference
You are invited to join your colleagues and personnel administrators March 22, 2017, for a half day training from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. The focus of the conference will be Risk Management in the 21st Century, with a special focus on your department’s role in Network Security, Confidential Data and Public Records. Information will be presented by the Office of the Attorney General, Information Security Services and the Office of Internal Audit.
We know you’re busy – so the half day training will be packed with information in a short period of time. Refreshments will be provided.
Please share this invitation with your other personnel managers.
For additional information and to register for the half day conference please visit:
TIAA: Financial Wisdom for All Presentation
Human Resource Services will host TIAA for a financial presentation on March 9th. TIAA will share from their 100 years of experience their knowledge on how to save, invest and plan for what life brings in an interactive, fun and informative workshop.
This workshop, “Postcards from the Future: A Woman’s Guide to Financially Ever After” addresses the unique situations women may find themselves in, such as fewer years in the workforce, and longer life spans. TIAA’s workshop leader will share retirement strategies that will help you:
- Identify your “retirement vision” – how much you’ll need and when
- Define the simple steps to getting your finances on track towards your ideal retirement
- Learn the unique characteristics of retirement plans from 403(b) to IRAs to annuities – and which may work best for you
Although the emphasis will be on a woman’s perspective for financial and retirement savings, all faculty and staff can attend, and will find information that is applicable to all. Also, feel free to invite a colleague, spouse, or partner to attend.
Two identical workshops will be offered on Thursday, March 9th, for 9:00-11:00 a.m., and 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the CUB East Jr Ballroom. Refreshments will be served.
Registration is required; to reserve a seat at one of the workshops, call 800-732-8353, M-F, from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. (PT), or register online.
In addition to the above presentations, a representative from the Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) will also hold presentations on March 3rd. The DCP is a voluntary investment plan offered at WSU, which allows individuals to save more for retirement, while also lowering current taxable income.
As a 457b plan, all faculty and employees are able to participate by contributing as little at $15 a pay period up to $18K-$24K a year, in addition to their regular matched retirement plan savings. The DCP is another voluntary plan, similar to the TIAA Voluntary Investment Plan (VIP), which can be started, changed or stopped at any time.
The March 3rd presentations will be held from 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. in Lighty 405 and 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. in French Ad 139. Registration is not required, but seating will be on a first come, first seated basis. Videoconferencing for other locations is also available.
We hope you are able to join us for the TIAA or DCP presentation, or both!