From the Chair
Dear Colleagues,
June brought us new APAC leadership and council members and to start this great year we gathered at an all-day retreat. The retreat gave us the opportunities to discuss goals, development, structure, and team building, utilizing the Low Elements Challenge Program at WSU University Recreation. It was a time to reflect upon our accomplishments from this past year and learn from items that did not go quite as planned.
President Kirk Schulz opened the retreat by conveying the important role the Administrative Professionals play within the WSU system and provided an overview of several important topics including the Drive to 25, the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, and the Town-Gown collaboration between the City of Pullman and Washington State University. This followed by an open discussion between council members and President Schulz which discussed topics such as the positive feedback of the increased WSU Leadership visiting the other campuses, global rankings, stadium closure, and retention and recruitment. Rounding out the opening discussion was the overwhelming appreciation for the support from President Schulz. APAC thanks you immensely!
The remainder of the retreat allowed successful communication on committee memberships and roles, professional development, and plans on how to meet our goals and provide support, resources, and assistance to all administrative professionals in the WSU system. Lots of great discussion on the issues that are facing some, if not all, administrative professionals and plans of how to address these issues were laid out.
This next year we will see great things from APAC. We have an outstanding executive leadership and council members, both which are driven to see our goals met with high quality results and to assist our administrative professionals in the WSU system. If you want to hear more about APAC and learn what we are doing, stop by for a visit during our monthly meetings. We encourage and welcome everyone to attend, our meetings are held the second Thursday of the month. Our next meeting will be September 14, 2017 from 9-10:30 a.m. in Lighty 405 and broadcast via AMS. Check our website at for more details on our meetings, events, and our newsletter.
Brigitta Jozefowski, Chair
Monthly APAC Meetings
The AP council encourages other AP employees to attend the monthly meetings either in person or by video conference at other campus locations. Our meetings are on break during the summer but will resume on September 14, 2017 in Lighty 405.
Regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. All meetings will be held in Lighty 405.
Employee Appreciation Week
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Employee Appreciation Week will be rescheduled to early September. More information will be forthcoming and will be updated on our website.
Wednesdays on the Mall
Kick off your summer by joining Dining Services and the Student Entertainment Board for Wednesdays on the Mall from May 17 – July 26 for an all-campus barbecue and music. Wednesdays on the Mall will take place on Terrell Mall in front of Todd Hall from 11:30 – 1:15 p.m.
For menu options and information regarding cost, and how to pay, please visit Hope to see you there!
Northwest Coalition of Professional Staff Conference
The 3rd Annual NCPS Conference registration is open! The event will be held July 20 – July 21 in Blaine, WA at the beautiful Semiahmoo Resort, Golf, and Spa. Room block rates are ending soon! Book your room by June 28th for the conference discount
Please join us for a great event to foster cooperation and collaboration as well as providing skills to inspire day-to-day success. Please visit to register!
Registration Fees
Regular (June 1st – July 10th) $270.00
Onsite (July 19th – July 21st) $310.00
One-Day (July 20th) $210.00
Registration fees include:
- Wednesday night Welcome Reception, bonfire and s’mores on the beach
- Thursday Keynote Speaker, concurrent sessions, and meals (breakfast, lunch, and Beach BBQ)
- Friday morning breakfast, concurrent sessions, door prizes (free 2018 NCPS Conference Registration, weekend package at Semiahmoo Resort, and more! (must be present to win!)), and closing remarks
Professional Development Mini-Grants
Professional development is highly valued by Washington State University and is supported by the President and Provosts’ offices. The AP Mini Grant Fund (APMGF) is a supplemental fund and is intended to provide matching funds in conjunction with the AP’s unit/department. The maximum award is $250 and an eligible applicant received a maximum of one award every two fiscal years.
The next deadline for applications is October 31st. Visit our website to learn more and to apply
Congratulations to our Spring 2017 Mini Grant Awards
Stefano Borghi: $150 / Pacific Northwest PHP Conference
Andrew Hua: $200 / NASPA Conference
Natalie Grosser: $150 / College NET User Conference
Pam Loughlin: $250 / WAPED Spring Conference
Karen Garrett: $100 / Northwest Coalition of Professional Staff Conference
Julie Thayer: $250 / Education & Research Greenhouse Curators Conference
Maria Clara Cardieri Souza: $200 / NAFSA Conference
Paul Wilmoth: $200 / NAFSA Conference
IYLEP Host Family Announcement
The WSU Office in International Programs is looking for families to host one to two undergraduate students this July for the Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP). The IYLEP students will be staying on campus during the weekdays but we need host families during the weekends, July 14th-16th and July 21st-23rd. If you are only available to host one of these weekends, you are still eligible to apply.
Responsibilities for host families will include:
- Transporting the student(s) to/from the WSU campus
- Providing the student(s) with appropriate living accommodations
- Providing the student(s) with three full meals a day
- Attending a host family orientation prior to the program start date
- Making the student(s) feel as comfortable as possible and including them in your family’s weekend routine
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the IYLEP program assistant, Amber Ronhaar by emailing for an application. We thank you for your interest and support!