From the Chair
This is the last time that I come to you as the chair of the Administrative Professional Advisory Council: a position that has brought me great joy and will be a highlight of my professional career. When I filled out my APAC application for the first time over six years ago, I never imagined leading one of the most dedicated groups on campus. I have been impressed by the dedication and love administrative professionals have for the institution and their willingness to do the work. Yes, I am incredibly sad that my journey as chair comes to an end but I find solace in the thought that APAC has selected an incredible executive council to take the organization through an unprecedented and exciting time of change.
Moving forward I want to challenge you as an individual and as a group to set ambitious goals. Over the past year, we engaged in innovating initiatives and reached out to APs in ways never done before. It’s imperative that we continue that momentum. As my mom would say, “nobody raises to low expectations”. As we prepare for another exciting year, please brainstorm ideas “fuera de serie” (out of the box ideas) to move APAC to the next level.
The future is bright and I am excited to work behind the scenes as past-chair in some initiatives that are near and dear to my heart. Thank you for fostering a space where I felt supported by the group and encouraged to make mistakes and not being judged by them. This experience has been so surreal and I want to acknowledge the people that have heavily contributed to making it happen: my familia. As the youngest of seven, my life was not as difficult as it was for my parents and siblings and so that myself didn’t have to worry about bringing income to the family and instead focus on my education, they gave that opportunity away so that I could enjoy it. Gracias to them, I graduated from college, attained a master’s degree and then could serve as your chair. My parents, siblings and my nieces and nephews are my roots and my legacy. For them, I will continue to strive to be the best and leave a world better that how I found it. To you, what is your motivation?
Vamos Cougs,
Ray Acuña-Luna, Chair
Monthly APAC Meetings
Thank you to all who attended the May APAC meeting. The featured speaker for the meeting was Associate Dean for the Carson College of Business, Tom Tripp. Dr. Tripp’s presentation was on the 4 Myths of Office Conflict. “Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech you will ever regret – Ambrose Bierce”, was one of the many quotes featured in Dr. Tripp’s presentation that can easily resonate with many of us.
The AP council encourages other AP employees to attend the monthly meetings either in person in Lighty 405 or by video conference at other campus locations. Our next meeting will be scheduled in September, stay tuned for more information.
Regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. All meetings will be held in Lighty 405.
AP Contribution Award Winners
Each year, we recognize an Administrative Professional employee’s exceptional contributions to WSU and their area or unit with the AP Contribution Award. We define “exceptional” as beyond the expected or required performance, if an AP has made a unique difference, or if the AP had far-reaching, impelling or compelling impact to their work.
The 10th annual AP Contribution Award Winners are Kristina Peterson-Wilson in Pullman and Becki Meehan in Spokane. Congratulations to our award winners!
Congratulations to the honorable mentions for the AP Contribution Award as well:
Lisa Clyde, Sara Ackerson, Denise Echelbarger, Leslie Thompson, Anjie Bertramson, Jason Sampson, Denise Keeton, Jodi, Anderson, Mysti Meiers, Kristy Gutierrez, Heather Johnson, Erin McIlraith, Sisouvanhy Keopanpay, Dave Hoyut, Brigitta Jozefowski, Kent Miller, Diane Wick, Deb Cox, Vicky Murray, and Susan Butts.
Staff Appreciation Week
The Washington State University staff are invited to Employee Appreciation Week June 12-16! Events and information are forthcoming; watch your email for details.
Wednesdays on the Mall
Kick off your summer by joining Dining Services and the Student Entertainment Board for Wednesdays on the Mall from May 17 – July 26 for an all-campus barbecue and music. Wednesdays on the Mall will take place on Terrell Mall in front of Todd Hall from 11:30am – 1:15pm.
For menu options and information regarding cost, and how to pay, please visit Hope to see you there!
Northwest Coalition of Professional Staff Conference **Early Bird Price Ending Soon**
The 3rd Annual NCPS Conference registration is open and Early Bird pricing ends May 31st. The event will be held July 20 – July 22 in Blaine, WA at the beautiful Semiahmoo Resort, Golf, and Spa. Please join us for a great event to foster cooperation and collaboration as well as providing skills to inspire day-to-day success. Please visit to register!
Registration Fees
Early Bird (prior to June 1st) $235.00
Regular (June 1st – July 7th) $270.00
Onsite (July 10th – July 21st) $310.00
One-Day (July 20th) $210.00
**Registration fees include breakfast/lunch/Beach BBQ on Thursday as well as breakfast on Friday**
The AP council encourages other AP employees to attend the monthly meetings either in person in Lighty 405 or by video conference at other campus locations. Our next meeting will be scheduled in September, stay tuned for more information.