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LGBTQ+ Ally Training

Building a Community of Respect

Photo of WSU staff discussing togetherThis workshop will highlight WSU’s commitment to ensuring a safe and welcoming living-learning-working environment for every member of the Coug community by introducing participants to the 6 Pillars of Respect. Each pillar represents a behavior or action that will help participants become catalysts in creating an environment that honors differences, where interactions are thoughtful, and the humanity of everyone is seen.
Participants will:
  • Understand how they see themselves, how they see others, and how their filters guide their behavior toward others.
  • Learn tools to help them respond to others in an appropriate manner and work through differences together.
  • Understand how their interactions with and perceptions of others influence their decisions in the workplace.
  • Understand their role in making their workplace/organization better places for ALL to work.
  • Learn skills to have respectful interactions with others.
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Building Coalitions Across Great Divides

We live in a time of great divides where the tensions and dynamics within today’s culture require us to build more bridges and fewer walls.  This experiential, interactive workshop will allow participants to engage in roleplay exercises, breakout sessions, and critical conversations through which they develop tools to enable productive dialogue around difficult topics.  Participants will also gain an understanding of how to apply these learnings as members of the WSU community as we work together towards mutuality and shared interests:
•Gain an understanding of how coalitions are built
•Develop tools for building coalitions
•Create capacity to work through divisiveness by identifying identify mutual self-interest
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Community & Equity 101 Workshop

In this interactive workshop, the presenters will articulate WSU values related to equity and inclusive excellence as participants both in person and via AMS engage in exploring key terms related to equity and inclusion, examine notions of intent versus impact, and build knowledge around affirming language. This workshop is intended as a pilot to help shape a developmental series for participants to gain and build upon knowledge, skills, caring, and action across the institution.

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UndocuAlly Training

WSU LogoUndocumented Initiatives’ UndocuAlly Training equips faculty and staff with the knowledge and tools necessary to become an active ally to students from undocumented communities. In this workshop we will discuss the issues facing undocumented communities, the laws and policies affecting undocumented students, and how to work effectively as an ally in higher education institutions.
  •  Explain the varying demographic make-up of undocumented communities
  • Describe the history, policies, and current issues impacting students who are undocumented and who come from undocumented communities
  • Identify the best daily practices to adopt to support students from undocumented communities in navigating the college system.
  • Identify opportunities for advocacy and solving inequities in their own team and/or department in order to improve support services for students from undocumented communities

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