From the Chair


¡El futuro es brillante! A few weeks ago, APAC elected new council members and its executive leadership. As outgoing chair, there is nothing more exciting than handing off the reigns to an amazing group of individuals, passionate to transform our organization. It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you APAC’s 2017-2018 Executive Leadership:

  • Brigitta Jozefowski, Grants Coordinator for the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
  • Lauralea Edwards, Management Analyst for the Controller’s Office
  • Maria de Jesus Dixon, Manager of the Cultural and Heritage Houses and the Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center

As for me, I will continue serving the Council as Past-Chair and continue working behind the scenes on some issues I learned to be important because of engaging with you. For my last note as chair, I want to encourage you to get involved in the University. We often talk about opportunities for professional development and often overlook serving on committees or affinity groups. I joined APAC almost four years ago and truly, it has been a transformative process. APAC might not necessarily be what you are looking for professionally speaking but there are still hundreds of opportunities for you on campus and in the community.

It has been my please to serve this year as APAC Chair. Honestly, I have been personally moved and inspired by the level of professionalism, work ethic and passion for Washington State University everyone on the Council exudes. It has truly been an honor. Please continue to engage with us!

Vamos Cougs,
Ray Acuña-Luna, Chair

Welcome to our new APAC members!

Welcome to our new Council Members and Executive Leadership! Welcome to C. Brandon Chapman (aka Chappy) from the College of Education, Stephanie Rink from the College of Business, Toni Broyles from College of Arts and Sciences, Mary Ohnemus from Health Professions Student Center, and Casey St. Clair from Finance and Administration. This coming year, APAC will be led by Brigitta Jozefowski as APAC Chair, Lauralea Edwards as Vice Chair, and Maria de Jesus Dixon as Secretary/Treasurer.

Register for the professional staff summer conference

Register for the Northwest Coalition of Professional Staff Annual Conference. This year the conference will be held at the Semiahmoo Resort in Blaine, WA. Join your fellow Administrative Professionals from across the Northwest for professional development on attaining your goals. More information can be found at

Professional Development Mini-Grants

Professional development is highly valued by Washington State University and is supported by the President and Provost’s offices. Each year a maximum of $3,000 in professional development grants is awarded by APAC to WSU Administrative Professionals, up to $250 per grant. Applications are being accepted until April 30th. Please visit for more information.

Monthly APAC Meeting

All AP employees can attend the monthly meetings either in person in Lighty 405 or by video conference at other campus locations. Our next meeting is May 11, and the presentation is on Quartzi Software, by Monika Jones.

Regular APAC meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via AMS. Can’t attend the meeting in person? Call in on the phone bridge at 509-335-9445, meeting ID is 02722. Meetings are held in Lighty 405.